.EuroBytes - PayPal

.EuroBytes - PayPal

This server was a gift, and not going to be upgaded any time soon. PHP, Mysql and the likes. By donating you will not only be donating to the EuroBytes site but also to all my projects, which consist of: EuroCMS, a free and customizable Content Management System. EuroEditor, a customizable web based editor(For EuroCMS). And many more, to see all of my projects visit my GitHub page.


How to get Microsoft Office working under Ubuntu?

How to get Microsoft Office working under Ubuntu?

Office work is not the most glamorous work, you use office applications because you have to, not because you want to. Most likely you have used Microsoft office, and gotten used to it. Following this tutorial, you will get Microsoft Office 2010 on your system. You will be able to write documents, which will make your boss go: 'Good Job Sport, I like the font you used'. Enjoy.


How To: Use WhatsApp under Ubuntu

How To: Use WhatsApp under Ubuntu

There are many ways to get WhatsApp Messenger to work on Ubuntu, some I have tried, such as a native WhatsApp replacement called WhosThere(Now Discontinued), or via emulator. You can read more about all that here: "WhatsApp and Viber in Ubuntu 13.04". But, we will now get WhatsApp to work using Pidgin, the universal chat client, whit a third party plugin called: whatsapp-purple. Due note that WhatsApp cannot be avtivated on your Desktop and Phone at the same time.


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